Friday 1 November 2019,-4.1591125,-23a,37.7y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPurGmuqGgK4mxMt5kQT_aTQO6sGgkoBY-WQqjT!2e10!3e12!!7i4032!8i3024!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x486eedde7124f761:0x139009d755f3fcef!2sParc+Howard+Museum!8m2!3d51.6893711!4d-4.1600452!3m4!1s0x486eedde7124f761:0x139009d755f3fcef!8m2!3d51.6893711!4d-4.1600452

let's check out the children's playground, now...LOL...and yes, the stones had been a bit like that...however, considering the fact that they had been 'found-objects' and not carefully chosen...due to 'time restrictions' etc etc...they were not of a uniform shape and size...chosen because they were going to be used as 'stepping stones' and for rather large men to jump from one-to-one etc....oh and there weren't that many of them, either....I'm trying to remember how many...not as many as 10....not less than 5...and yes, I can finally remember, now...marr had been involved in the research project, let us say...which had led to this 'memory aid' of a playground, being constructed...and so if you have any further questions - go and ask him...because he had once known 'why'...the original 'fake standing stones' circle had been constructed...something that I had not been privy to, at the time...and those MKultra MI5 'Russian course' trainee graduates had not been willing to tell me - what it was all about, at the time...go figure:

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