Friday 1 November 2019,+Llanelli/@51.6936395,-4.1662122,3a,37.5y,277.71h,83.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgjAFTWzDxVUno-4Wx56rxQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m8!1m2!2m1!1shotel+burry+port!3m4!1s0x486eedd8d8a8a943:0xb3bade2510e6a32b!8m2!3d51.6914731!4d-4.1657524

and what else?...well, this google maps shot, is intriguing....something around a Sonia 'the dell'...see previous posts...go figure:

let me see...something is coming back, now...hadn't sue said something around "we call it the dell"...anyway, I am now picking up a Jacob Rothschild number in relation to the use of a certain house:

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