Saturday 26 January 2019

....anyway, that 'encounter' was to make me very annoyed, indeed....'senior citizen' let us say....had mounted the pavement and was driving directly towards me, with his car engine turned off....I heard the 'slight noise' and turned around to step out-of-the-way, just in time....I then crossed the road, in order to take a few photos, from a distance...he then got out of his car to gesticulate, whilst shouting threats at a rather 'greek' broken-English-accent, sort of way...I held my ground, a safe distance - across the road - whilst giving that deadhead robot, a closing down gesture...and so what can I say but is this somebody's bad joke around prince Philip's driving - and the consequences?...a 'greek mob' that have been given british royal 'privilege' to do what they like without fear of prosecution etc etc?....go figure:

oh and there's more....if that 'deadhead driver' had been about to kill me....he had probably killed before....and upon the pavement....the braindead, eh?...'blocks of wood'...let me see....'deadhead files' available at the following etc etc....go figure, marines:

...anyway, whilst coming back from my 'shopping trip'...I was to take another photo of that car and its registration plate...just to make sure:

to laugh about the cctv, taken in that antiques shop....the one that bobby's mob had used and still use - to sell off their 'memorabilia' let us say.....and in short, those who breeze through it....are ill cult 'masons' who worship 'crap taxidermy' as their god....."just keep it going....never mind the CIA/mob - just ignore them..." etc does one say LOL and to the nth degree, McDonald?....go figure.

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