Thursday 31 January 2019

....and what was to come up this Thursday evening, then? odd clump...starting with 'arena' - the daughter of a greek shipping magnate...on CF's drama course at dartington...and then 'arena-spotlights'/anglepoise lamps....along with lidl's.....and then something to do with that radio hack - that had resulted in roz's death - having come from her own department...remember the 'slavering' Richard?....additionally, the following google search was also to come up:,online_chips:vaillant+combi&usg=AI4_-kR0gQNcvVujHtpp_SJUN-aN_nVx6Q&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjn56fA7pfgAhWTo3EKHS4NAdQQ4lYINigP&biw=1821&bih=768&dpr=0.75#imgdii=cVneP2apaS6h4M:&imgrc=ousFn3lh8j8tKM:&spf=1548932327887

oh and what about that compartmentalised 'fish' image, that you had up - recently, dazzlenation?...see above.
and what about that tree?...because funnily enough, I was struck by a similar shape of tree, this morning...and took a photo of it, from my window..."blot on the landscape" replies BI ONLINE....go figure:
oh and there's more, to this short, I was to remember ling's mob and their 'deals and sweeteners'....go figure:

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