Sunday, 1 July 2018

"we've already said goodbye - but if you've got to go..." etc etc eh mcdonald?....because something terrible, was to happen to the hands of lisa and brian - in NY....'mr and mrs satan' for want of a better word....ill cult uber-torturers upon the computerised system...who were to elicit a 'signed confession' from you - after making an incision in your lower gut and threatening to pull the entire contents of your stomach out...."please stop stinging me"...."we've already said goodbye"....along with "close the door behind you, as you leave..." - go figure.

little scorpions at work...dancing with rage....stinging a 'cool cat' as in 'string theory high priestess' almost to order to do what, precisely?..."frame them up" replies BI ONLINE....hmmm....i would say that the motivation, might well have been subconscious as well...along the lines of "if we sting him enough - we'll get him to dig up what makes us like this and then there is a possibility of healing"....or along the lines of "if we sting him enough, he'll become like us...why is he pretending to be so cool?"...because little scorpions do not appear to 'get' the cool-headed...their idea of 'love' is something around 'extreme passions' rather than the love one feels for a parent/sibling/friend...."agape" replies BI ONLINE....go figure.

...and so the string theory high priestesses....and carla had been one of them...the entire italian group at the american paris school, in point of fact....who were to call themselves the "adders"...a joke around mathematical additon and 'snakes'....well, they had to dig up what had happened to brian, regarding his mother....and as it turns out - he had had the antidotes...but he had got them mixed up...he was then to inject his mother with the wrong then leave her to sleep it find her 'stone cold' in the morning....go figure.

oh and we should also look at ill cult programmers and a certain parabola, let us say...of children programmed as 'cats on a hot tin roof'...the 'prancers'....petrol nell was the best of the lot, as mark r was to remark at a certain templar castle event....cats on a hot tin roof...who turn into dancing scorpions....dependent upon 'switches in the brain' i suppose...and how long that particular mkultra programmer had tortured them, with the above because it is all relative, isn't it - quasi collie?....go figure. up 'control of the environment'....regarding belle court....because that is what string theory high priestesses are all about - 'control of the environment', so many years ago now - gill and i didn't have it...but we could still 'see' the the future scripts and therefore knew what would happen...regarding that terrible explosion/fire that was to gut nearly the whole building....and so we managed to escape being locked in a certain room, early on that fateful later on, find out from matt smith...what had happened....and so we can say that matt had either been at the event...or that he had access to the cctv....or had in fact been behind the whole event....the whole which roz was to lose her life...trying to save sonia from the blaze - via that 'blue genie' piece of machinery....see previous notes/posts/photos....tomlinson was then to blame me for not saving roz...because i should have been 'in control of the environment' enough to do so...but i had not been...and so the question is now...who had been in control of the environment, that fateful evening?

...hmmm...and my sixth sense is picking up on the following....regarding the continuing 'green darkness' emergency lighting system...still in operation, within belle court - this sunday evening...and that is because cctv is likened to 'looking through windows' upon a computer....ian watts and his mate are going to be changing a window, in this flat - upon thursday....and a little bird tells me that the pair of them are now under suspicion....a 'green darkness' masonic couple - who might have had control of the environment, that fateful evening....and so they will turn up...framed in that 'green darkness' corridor, upon thursday morning...something to do with it or perhaps they know 'whodunnit'...who knows, eh?....the changing of the cctv...of the windows...regarding 'control of the environment'....go figure.

oh and on top of that...we also have gavin williamson vs theresa may/prince william regarding another 'experimentation block' ...which is what belle court had formerly been and would have been again - in the most terrible ways, if the SAS hadn't stepped in and stopped the ill cult from doing their worst, at belle court - see previous notes....and this all ties in with 'mr satan' aka 'agent K' etc etc....go figure.

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