Saturday 28 July 2018

...another CID location, this morning....'in pictures'....go figure:

which led to the following:,-2.9007215,478m/data=!3m1!1e3

and yes, I can remember - now...the pic below...had been what brian could remember...of his mother's face...additionally, it looks somewhat like harry, doesn't it?...this is all about mothers....losing a mother, at an early age...."and reparenting - the MKultra way" replies MI5 ONLINE...yes, that type of thing....of course, I was always a problem to them...because I had had had so many 'daddies' let us say....toddy, gill...oh and david bowie was also definitely a 'father figure'.....even CF attempted to reprogram me as his 'daughter'....see previous notes upon 'green tower'....anyway, eventually Obama ended up as 'chief daddy'....McDonald was more of an older do I explain, the next bit? a child - I had looked for other 'mother figures' because Sylvia gyde had rejected me, early on ...anyway, this is all about how one naturally looks for and finds 'new family' as one goes along...if one's parents are 'absentee' or dead etc etc...and how MKultra then capitalises upon it...the worst thing about a true MKultra 'daddy' is that they have put you through a near-death order to make you...not only say that you love them and will be obedient to them....but to really mean it....go figure:

....the right eye:

and the left eye...ha ha ha...brian and harry at work...with a 'snake' image:,-2.900474,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipM53F5dtiGrmTRHVnbnUABwy3Nzb_MYHXTy45YQ!2e10!3e12!!7i4128!8i2322!4m5!3m4!1s0x487b156962d5439f:0x8197e20737c3395a!8m2!3d53.67679!4d-2.900363

and then to a shop....this is all about quasi-collie and her 'dog' programmed...along with matt hancock and 'handcarts'....go figure.

first up...we have "patient etherised upon a table" according to MI5 ONLINE...where the ill had decided to start programming....on that orange 'cart':

quasi-collie dogs, at work:

next up...something around brian and harry...and the following room...they had been spying upon the prague Rothschild team-at-work....and so something around a 'snake' transmission escaping and contacting a 'wire' i.e. the CID?:
'the horns of the dilemma' satanic program...oh and something around Pullman and those oil cult 'wheeled creatures' who were trying to stop the dust from escaping....see previous notes upon a shaft of sunlight through a room...and the illuminated dust short, the ill were trying to soul-trap again....

and what else?...the jumper, see below...reminds me of a certain pullover, that was worn by one of those MKultra victims upon that 7-49UP series....and yes, the 'structuring absence', had been MKultra....rimington had known all about it...and set that as a 'test' see how many references to MKultra, I could pick up....well, suffice to say that I didn't bother to write it all up....although I could add in passing, that the 'confusion' between disk 5 and 6 was an interesting one, wasn't it?....go figure:

something around early sun mythology, in relation to 'wheels'...royal arch freemasons....Tomlinson's golden chain....and the RA cult:

and the thistles...this-els....go figure:

....and what the this-els plan to do to 'snakes':

"looks a bit like me"...a harry lookalike to the left:

thor...recoded as 'sore'/saw...with his hammer:

blocks of wood - time:

brian and harry as 'friendly spiders' at work:

....look at those alarming place to be taken to, by the ill - don't you think?:

remember the carpenters/chipboard/window saga?...well, we are revisiting that one...and in relation to RA cult programming in RAF hangars....along the lines of 'no escape door, at the back' - see previous notes...go figure:

the spokes are conflated with 'wives' here...because the ill had decided that 'polygamy' was the thing...with added 'polly parrot' Norwegian intelligence programming....

and what else?....harry potter and his wand programming:

lisa was to say..."we'll saw your arms and your legs off"...

is that right?...and in relation to the legh arms, apparently - see below:
...and what else?.....this is all about you as 'Scooby doo', McDonald...along with a sawn in half croc, reference...'stuck in the toilet' anybody?:

rising from the ashes...the phoenix ...or rather, the 'two horns of the dilemma' program that the ill were trying to reboot....along with firey bear programming...see below:

a rather phallic-looking object...see previous notes upon quasi-collie and her 'take' on Freudian symbolism:

oh and remember that WWII jooish poet...paul celan....all about wearing somebody else's hair...and beheading the tulips....and so a threat to yourself, CF....see previous notes upon that tulip/penis image...amadeus and the tu-lips etc etc...

the quasi-collie's dogs....rimington had agreed to sit in the cart....see previous notes upon my father making a similar cart/ give to me upon my 8th birthday....he then told me that I had to pull ingabot around in it....I was to be her 'horse'...
the thor/saw with all of the 'couplings'....see previous notes upon polygamy etc etc...go figure:
'old dottie' the dog...was supposed to represent rimington..."if we can't get her (at the time), we'll use the dog" lisa was to relation to who would be in the tent...with the intent...and also in the shrimping cart:

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