Monday, 2 January 2017

ah...somewhat reminding me of the assistant in the cex shop on west avenue, this morning...the colour of her eyes...although her appearance was 'goth' i.e. dyed black hair etc etc...oh and for some reason...she was also to remind me of Caitlyn, in the way that she was to smile at me....and so as a parting shot I said "have a nice day"...after buying two secondhand dvds.

oh and the expression of the gunman, here...was to remind me of the very angry expression of a young man who 'looked completely different' although probably around the same age...a chubby young man....large build...who was to pass me by on...let me see...rosemary road west....he had a round face, though and not a long one...white face with dark, short hair...anyway, it was simply because he looked so very angry, that I was to note him and wonder why...anyway, seeing as the whole thing is coming up as a clump...I might as well add it to the whole thing...what was to happen this see nightclubs tend to be dodgy places at the best of times...and having had a look at what had gone on in that Chinese nightclub so many years ago now....well, you never know...'the reasons why' you? apart from to  say that drugs will most probably have been involved...."and mind control" replies MI5 ONLINE...go figure:

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