Wednesday, 4 January 2017,-3.1894526,8z/data=!3m1!4b1

...but let me see...there are a few in the UK...and we're looking for a 'Sylvia wood' reference here...up north and by the coast...and we also need to have a look at AVIS in relation to 'layers of the internet' and Sylvia's database...hidden under their computer system....,-2.5303832,8z/data=!4m8!1m2!2m1!1ssunnyvale+uk!3m4!1s0x487ba64e0936e009:0x1165e4d91d1e7278!8m2!3d53.5710677!4d-2.424757

Sylvia was to say "the bolt-on...the frankensteins"...go figure:,-0.619375,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1s-1VHMPOtMy3M%2FVMgiCJOvzrI%2FAAAAAAAAAA4%2F-iQLG-yNa28jCitxHWS-4AT3F6P3FAizgCJkC!2e4!3e12!!7i2048!8i1272!4m8!1m2!2m1!1ssunnyvale+uk!3m4!1s0x0:0xe3069e026da02d3c!8m2!3d54.4883888!4d-0.6193542!6m1!1e1

Sylvia's mum used to run a B&B....isn't it pretty? Sylvia's father had been murdered by the masons...after he had refused to give them total control of his remote-viewing daughter....he was murdered in front of her...Sylvia had been so very young...pre-school age...and then she was buggered into being a 'mason's child'....and told to say that she now carried "the light of Lucifer"...go figure:

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