Tuesday, 3 January 2017

...and what was to happen this evening? well I was to recharge that Samsung mobile, this morning...to then find out - this evening...that it had reverted back to January 1st 2000...ha ha ha...remember the millennium bug? oh and I might add that I had bought that phone - after I had moved to Clacton...post 2008....

anyway, nothing ever happens without a reason...and I was to remember gill telling me "you won't be able to reset it" and what had gill been up to, so many years ago now? working with Cameron....and working on 'pete tong' funnily enough....they were rewiring him...using a different circuit....remember bowie's "I am a DJ I am what I play"....and well, it was 'sort of' like that...the piper was playing a different tune etc etc....successful operation....

what else? well BBC 'leo' looks so like a young MOD evans...got to be his son - hasn't he?...go figure....

what else? well if history is repeating itself and as far as I know a certain networked pattern is repeating...then somebody needs to get CF to hospital immediately...because he will have been experimenting with 'homemade space rocks' and I am not talking about 'children's candy' here....get him to hospital immediately....because you don't want another death 'on your patch', do you - MI6?....go figure.

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