Monday, 2 January 2017

...and now I know what today was all about...firstly 'where Caitlyn got a job next' Tsinghua university...she got the job through two of Jacqui carroll's friends...a couple of young men that Jacqui was to say that she had apparently met whilst nightclubbing in manchester...see previous notes upon carroll having been scarlett's 'dry date' there, according to the short, those two young men had been picked up by certain..."corrupt individuals within the british council and hired to run their drug-smuggling operation in Beijing and beyond" replies MI5 ONLINE...oh dear - it just gets worse, then...does this all tie up to the beckham desk and prince William connection....oh and what about the SAM and their interest in that 'estuary' book? go figure....paper chains...project paperclip...I wonder now...."the masonic connection"....

oh and this evening I was reminded of those two young men and their 'night-clubbing' activities....after I had heard a similar group of young men laughing and joking outside of the block, earlier on this evening..."we got them" replies BI ONLINE....anyway, it was something that one of the two men who were to run that ill cult operation in Beijing - was to say to another...."you're paranoid!"...he used to say that to his mate 'max' quite a bit...go figure...what else? well what were 'block of wood', parrot and 'Pilkington-lookalike' up to in Sainsbury's today, then?

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