Sunday 19 November 2017

and what's next upon the timer system?....hmmm...okay you should probably list this video under 'offensive' but that is not what my 'cue' is all about, this morning - in relation to a 'prompt' - to talk about the following...uncle bobby's mob had been extremely successful in 'recruiting' in Clacton...and that is because so many men were unemployed and desperately short of cash....particularly, as Christmas neared....anyway, some were interviewed after bobby's 'recruitment drive'...oh and they weren't irish, either...they were to say that they only had to attend once a year (a so-called masonic meeting)...and that it was cash-in-hand....£20...not much but a lot to those upon benefits...and what else?...well, after having been told what uncle bobby's mob had got up to in terms of dangerous drugs/implants/mind control/torture/trauma programming...because of course, his victims couldn't remember a thing, afterwards...they were to shrug it off, in the main...poor souls...if they couldn't remember - so what? was still 20 quid and not to be sniffed at - was it?...go figure:

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