Saturday 14 February 2015


let me recap...'so many years ago now' and perhaps still today...MI5 and BI in general, were chasing around...tracking down Norwegian intelligence as well as irish Nazi party operatives.....

....anyway, I can also remember the first time that the 'irish Nazi party' was mentioned...within that prague church....the prague Rothschild and capaldi were 'holding court', at one of those night-time meetings....

now either I had smoked weed...which I do not normally do 'voluntarily'...or I was having a laughing gas attack...when the prague Rothschild inquired:

"do you have to be irish to join?"

...the irish Nazi party...

now, having been forced to join, in totnes - as a student at dartington - see previous notes upon peter o' toole's daughter 'jane fitzgerald' along with 'writing tutor' heading up that irish Nazi party faction (and what on earth was varro all about?)...I was to reply something along the lines of:

 "not necessarily"...

gill then interjected: "I'm a member too!"

Nazi joos...jooish Nazis....go figure.

...and so where did it all end up? well apparently it all ended up at that ghost village or somewhere nearby...."on crete - another ill cult rite -held by the so-called irish Nazi party - Farrell was involved" replies MI5 ONLINE.

see previous notes upon a certain BI team - coding in a 'turn back the hands of time' video - in order to punish Farrell for that one...but it didn't work...mainly because he knew too much about kabbalah and the 'power of belief' I that point in time.

let me see...and what else was there around the above? oh I remember now - back to that prague church and toby saying somewhat vacantly "I think I joined too"...capaldi then snapped "you make it sound like buying a train ticket"...he had caught the image of ABERYSTWYTH railway station in toby's mind...(I think that the point here, was that those like toby and myself hadn't really 'joined' - we had been abducted and forced into it - whilst under mind control and as a consequence had very few memories in relation to any of it)...

...and what else? Sonia fisher and mark vizard were also to turn up at one of those prague church tell capaldi and the prague Rothschild that the irish Nazi party HQ was in wales....go figure....

later on we were to find out that members of the irish Nazi party had accompanied Inga and her Norwegian colleagues on that train journey from wales to the 60s....see previous notes...the very same route that portillo and his  crew, were to take...rather more recently....

oh and whilst still on the topic of the Nazi/bucket/jooish groups....and in relation to being 'beyond the pale/pail'....I can remember the eldest taschmann intoning "the pay-ling stakes" if it were a gambling game....

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