Sunday 8 February 2015

let me why would wiki have such a detailed photo...I remember....watching gill have a look at it "he'll end up there  - and she'll know it" he was to tell mark far as I know gill had figured that the eldest taschmann would 'end up in there' for whatever reason....

secondly gill was to code out that 'fence down Dorchester road' with a yellow stick...denoting 'highly dangerous drugs' over the fence - in that shed....

gill had taken 'the above idea' from that detailed photo....mark r was to ask gill "do you mean 'chemical battalions'? gill wasn't sure...but he knew that 'dangerous drugs' were in use 'within that building'....

next up...those two 'officers' who were to call, this morning...they had also been programmed with that detailed photo...."they might even have been taken there" replies BI what is this all about then?

anyway, you can see how that detailed photo had been used to program slaves....for example: "the rods to beat you"....."Tomlinson's hair" as in that green fir tree....and then the P I.L. as mark r was to state, looking at the aerials on top of the building...

mark r was also to comment "rather like the holy ghost (image - see previous notes upon the ill cult ark of covenant/gates of heaven)"....gill was to joke about the 'holy puddle' next to this image upon the tarmac:




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