Wednesday 18 February 2015

oliver twist and 'please sir can I have some more'?

'the monkey chewed tobacco....and we all went to heaven in a little row boat'

put the two together and I can now guess why Farrell had been chewing that brand of tobacco in that Greenwich MOD base...see previous notes...

having detected a 'dreadful smell' coming from his mouth "is that poo? have you been eating poo?" I then ordered 'dennis the menace' to spit it out in my hand...I then walked over to the wastepaper basket and threw 'whatever it was' away....

"it's tobacco" replied the eldest taschmann "the irish like doing it - apparently..."

...I am beginning to 'get' the whole number now...I was the 'little rowboat/robot' who had the keys to heaven...or should one say 'the all-seeing eye'...

....and the monkey was riding on my back....perhaps he had been starved 'please sir can I have some more?' to then be given tobacco instead...he didn't appear to be able to say a word, throughout...

additionally I can remember ling remarking 'over her shoulder' whilst at another computer in that room...."she reminds me a bit of celia imrie"....

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