Thursday, 3 February 2022

 ....additionally, something around giving somebody the 'bum's rush'....a favourite phrase of sylvia......and i suppose that bobby's mob would have used it, in relation to their 'crumbs off of our table'....sick 'n' stupid braindead well as shotley 'admiral' having an old war wound....and yes, he had lost an arm, as far as i can remember....the use of one, at any rate...typed one-handed...."i can still do it!" etc etc....oh and he also used to program with 'salter scales'...he was to ask ray to go and find etc etc....and what else?..well, he was still a keen mountaineer.....hmmm....and so what else can i add but that i would help those like rear-admiral 'crappy' if i was met halfway, let us say....."if it was in your interests" replies BI online...but NOT if they were satanic robots trying to rule the world for the paedo-cannibal cult....robots that were trying to use those with souls, like their 'slaves' or 'tools' if you prefer...anyway, the following had been used by sophie fishwick to etc etc.....and when i look back on it is with pure horror, dazzlenation...and so what can i do but laugh, nowadays? many in BI....had allowed the ill cult to remove parts of their brains...put in what was generally known as 'pinplugs' i.e. 3-pin or 4-pin ...inject them with then become heroin/crack addicts....and i have had that horrorshow 'on my back' as it were....and for so many decades.....all trying to 'earn it by being evil'...and for prince phillip...nota bene, prince andrew had been his 'right arm' and we can most probably cite the original 'violet evergarden' as having been something to do with a conflation of violet clayton and the admiral's daughter...she had been his 'doll', you understand....there didn't appear to be a mother figure, around....adopted...."kept in a childlike state"....a bit of a 'shirley temple' in a way....anyway, she used to help with the typing...go figure:

Smith College Club of St. Louis presents Arms and the Man by Shaw, 1908 - Arms and the Man - Wikipedia

and the all-woman-amateur reference had been put in by sophie fishwick......although there had been one significant 'male' in the gang....old boyfriend of her best friend...that 'mary yardley type'.....hmmm....he reminded me of a cross between gill 'n' trigg at the time but not in a good way....more laughter....anyway, the whole gang might not have been as psychopathic as joy rich, helen browne et al....i.e. those in the west midlands...but they had better equipment/technology, links/connections....e.g. that 'admiral' number.....ray fishwick's 'royal guarantee' etc it goes, eh?

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