Tuesday 22 February 2022

 ....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, gill might need a reminder of the following...his encounter with 'block of wood' at the harwich museum, in the high lighthouse (at the end of west street)....along with the 'purple interior' let us say...of the hypnotherapy centre....scroll back on google maps....because it is now a beautician's upon west street....anyway, petrol nell had 'channelled' the following (whilst in that hypnotherapist's with mcgowan)...something to do with a 'radio tower' program....and yes, that lighthouse had been part of the program....along with the following 'meditation' on netflix....lol....choose the 'train ride' option upon the 'headspace' menu....made me feel a bit travel sick....more laughter....go figure:

additionally, the following series is also part of the clump:

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