Monday 28 February 2022

 ....and what about geidai, dazzlenation?....let me see....oh and then we're back to the fishwick' been told to make the family meals but given little or no money, dazzlenation...."she's going back to her swiss roots" mrs fishwick was to laugh...after i began to teach sophie and emily fishwick how to forage.....plum tart....that made them laugh...apparently the plum tree was on the boundary to a certain 'nasty neighbour' that i had not previously known about...anyway, emily got into the act, quickly...coming home from school on her red bike...she had spotted fallen apples by the roadside etc etc...she went and picked up a apples...we made a large tart for lunch with lots of sugar on top and a smaller one for her parents...emily used to come home for lunch because she couldn't bear the smell of school dinners - she was so hungry and her mother wouldn't give her the dinner money...anyway, we also made meringues...and yes, the fishwick's kept hens....emily made us laugh by doing what hanni gloor used to do, after beating the whites thoroughly...she held the bowl over her head....and then it was sophie's turn, having discovered a jar of lemon curd in the pantry....her mother was overwhelmed by her lemon and curd pie etc etc...i also tried a nut torte but couldn't find enough nuts to make it properly...pounded them with a pestle 'n' mortar....oh and mrs fishwick had the flour sacks and sugar...we were given money for butter but that was all...we also tried a souffle with herbs but that flopped and quite literally...the aga was a difficult one to gauge....and then there was a sad day...when emily came home for lunch, having been bullied at school...sophie made her laugh by her 'fishwick humour' suggested retort to the bullies...oh and that was the day that sophie had tried making 'mushroom tea', let us say....go figure:

すみっこのこ (浅野 陽子 / Yoko ASANO) - YouTube

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