Saturday 27 February 2021

 ....and what's dazzlenation on - this saturday morning, then?...let's have a look....oh i see, this is far more sue whalley's territory than mine....a certain salaried "file your nails" for most of the time - 'liaison' number between the police and MI5 - regarding 'missing persons', amongst other items....see previous notes upon MI5 ling's mob and i do hope that i don't have to add anything, else - in order to explain 'that one'....go figure:

Dazzlenation (

All the missing people from Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk - Cambridgeshire Live (

oh and i find the 'choice of photos', peculiar - no idea, 'why' (irony intended)....see below.....why had somebody chosen the 'least sympathetic' photo, of the 'missing person' involved to etc etc....let me scan for more details....that had been one of sue's jobs, whilst working at etc etc....and yes, sue's husband (on the police side, of things) had once questioned her upon the angry and defensive retort: "do you question my judgement?" the response: "okay, okay - don't start screaming 'national security' at me" again....i ask you - how can the police do their job when etc etc....and yes, 'sue' had been instructed to choose the photos that suggested or hinted at 'doped up' 'downtown mob boss' etc etc and then she also had to convince the worried 'friends and family' that she had made the right choice of photo etc etc..."she was good at it" replies BI online....anyway, i can see that the 'tradition' continues - see below....damned by one ghastly photo, in the media....admittedly, the black guy doesn't look etc etc....but 'sue' used to let those photos through, anyway...."everybody knows what they're like" she was to tell her husband.....hmmm...let's toss the coin, the other way - let me see....could have been a real MI5 'terrorist threat' number - for all they knew, eh - dazzlenation?.....see previous notes upon obama 'n' the ulster unionist/IRA number, in relation to his earlier 'career' let us say....despite looking so 'normal' opposed to the 'rest of the gallery' figure:

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