Friday 26 February 2021

 ....and what else?....and yes, there had been a CIA relation to the following transmission....."write anything you like" had been the sue baker HQ instruction to Odbh....see previous post.....and so let me i to entertain the following 'new comments' seriously?...i mean to say - it is quite clear that i do not work for 'intelligence' anymore and therefore have no access to that sort of information....additionally, i am tempted to retort....regarding, the first comment - why not turn on your toaster and dig a fork into it, whilst it is on and find out (you'll be 'flying' afterwards, if you ever had a soul -anyway, that is).....but obviously,  i cannot do that - dazzlenation...being a 'responsible person'...i.e. somebody who still cares...even about the and let me backtrack....after having crossed the main 'intersection' between magnet house and pier avenue, this morning...i was to spot a young 'john baker' lookalike, turning the corner - around that arts and crafts shop, to then walk down jackson road...isn't it all so odd, so strange?....but that is what living in a 'test centre' is like....i.e. i know that the pentagon/CIA had been most interested in a certain agate road address at this point in time....see previous post....go figure:

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