Sunday 28 February 2021

 ....anyway, it was 'crappy' who had highlighted the following, dazzlenation...."menstrual blood flow" replies BI online...and well, if you are going to look at the 'big picture' then that is what it is really all about - isn't it?....let me backtrack, now....the ill cult worship 'lucifier'.....see previous notes upon the CIA lab having found out that the earliest western scientific communities had tended to have a large 'luciferian' component, let us say....see previous notes upon the hidden history of photography etc etc...'the power of a god' and all that....'the shock of the new' and its effect upon the psychology of etc etc....anyway, the ill are obsessive about 'breaking into the god dimension' and overpowering 'god'...whom, they deemed to have been 'unfair' etc etc....which then gave them the right to steal off and enslave those more 'talented' than themselves....and where is the God dimension most 'obvious' let us say? the moment of conception, when the soul comes in from the 'other side' and also at the point of death - when the soul leaves this dimension....which is basically what 'crappy's experiment-in-indonesia, had been all that 'chicken' temple....the french tourists were to play 'inspector clouseau' as evans was to put it...finding various items, used within his satanic rite (apparently the monks there, had been renowned for 'contacting the dead') and of course...'crappy' had wanted to get back to his mother, again....see previous notes upon tomlinson's mother fixation etc whit, 'crappy' was to perform a human sacrifice...with his equipment trained upon the 'soul' that was then released, upon the moment of death....and so there you have it, dazzlenation....'the moment of conception' and 'the point of death'....both obsess satanists...and the objects found, after his ill cult rite?....a crude 'mother earth' statuette (not 'indonesian' as far as the french could tell)...a snake ornament..."and a bunch of sticks" replies BI online....well, that might have been more in line with the i ching yarrow sticks, i suppose...although nobody was quite clear - as to why he had been playing around with those......go figure:

BigBangNoise - Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe - Wikipedia

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