....and what else, dazzlenation?....well, if you are referring to the 'fog' encompassing clacton - this morning....lol...i am not venturing out there...
....however, you appear to be referencing something in the girl's shoe...conflated with a mcgowan-type who wants his meal microwaved....heavens above...perhaps i should have gone into further details about what had happened at that 'chicken' temple, in indonesia - see previous posts....okay, in short - it was the beginnings of what israeli intelligence were to continue research in....the microwaving of the soul, after it has 'flown free of the body' e.g. within an OBE/NDE...and yes, after viewing what 'crappy' had done in that strange 'religious building' - aided by his french technician/accomplice (in a red fez)....let me backtrack, now - 'nige' and i, had joined a group of french tourists....who had then been kidnapped by etc etc....and what else?....a certain 'thai king' influence, perhaps?...you see, 'crappy' had been a young teenager, at the time and so etc etc....although he had been calling the 'crew' at hand 'his men' - he had been too young etc etc.....and what had made MOD/MI5 evans laugh?....being shot at, by a helicopter....in a canoe/long boat, whilst trying to escape the island.....in shark-infested waters...to then be rescued by a marines 'speedboat' number.....anyway, evans was then to produce MI5 shots of the king of thailand and his 'military mistresses' etc etc....not funny, if you had been 'there', at the time - with little or no understanding of what was really going on, i can tell you....go figure:

anyway, there is more 'info' about the whole thing...now circulating around certain police departments....apparently ling's mob are still 'on the move'....and standing around....at stanford airport, for example...and yes, i was recently to receive cctv of one of them, standing there - alone, in a deserted airport, without a facemask - waiting for the next 'intake'.....hoping to get the 'new teams' in....fast-tracked to indonesia, eh?.....nobody else in the country, can go anywhere - without the utmost of difficulty....but hell, if you want to get shot at by helicopter, eaten by sharks....and if you survive 'all of that'...get thrown to 'pigs' as 'rye' - then click 'yes' to that bogus email in your inbox....oh and remember, ling's mob are also asking you to pay £500 up front, which they will apparently refund, if you turn up at the airport....lol...insane, isn't it?....and remember, dazzlenation - it's a bit like a 'trip to mars'....you don't come back.