Monday 30 March 2020

...and what else?...more upon 'little lisa' and in relation to 'salad fingers'...I digress - Monday morning, I had been listening to radio 3  - to hear one of sophie wyss' old acquaintances, mentioned...unfortunately I do not know how to spell her sounded like 'mary scotch-in-ska'...oh and as a child, I had met her once...and she had told me to remember her as 'mary scot' - whilst holding up a doll of anne Boleyn and henry VIII (wyss had both behind glass, upon her bookcase, in the sitting room)...anyway, after having searched for her name, again upon google...I then came across the following....go figure:

additionally, younger had left the following youtube movie upon the timer system...'please sir'...something around the fenn street gang - and in relation to Richard harris in a teenager alter (as the gang leader) along with rimington as maureen etc etc...oh and gill might recognise himself as having been programmed as the 'gypsy boy' in love with maureen, in the following snip....go figure:

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