and what else?...well 'jock gill' was to take this order to show but not tell...regarding 'the-bridge-encompassing-your-head'...and what else?....well, what that might have in common with what recently happened upon London bridge....I have no idea, as yet - no further information....see previous posts....go figure:
Saturday, 30 November 2019,-3.816505,3a,30y,151.4h,94.88t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWjjRa3hXxpzj0g2Tehs6sQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m8!1m2!2m1!1sdutilh+church+carrbridge!3m4!1s0x488589873e827509:0x90eafeb9d4eadedb!8m2!3d57.284541!4d-3.808707
oh and why is there a ladder on the roof?...and yes, we've all been here, before - haven't we, BI?...and yes, I can remember - now...we're not actually looking at an 'idyllic Cotswolds village', as Cameron was to ascertain - after viewing carrbridge....see previous notes upon the 2019 'Jacquie lawson' calendar etc etc....go figure:
oh and why is there a ladder on the roof?...and yes, we've all been here, before - haven't we, BI?...and yes, I can remember - now...we're not actually looking at an 'idyllic Cotswolds village', as Cameron was to ascertain - after viewing carrbridge....see previous notes upon the 2019 'Jacquie lawson' calendar etc etc....go figure:,-3.8154341,3a,15y,245.31h,85.85t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMLSxNRryW9UUoAbq8A5yNeI6uBRiWO9hnDlkBI!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352!4m8!1m2!2m1!1sdutilh+church+carrbridge!3m4!1s0x488589873e827509:0x90eafeb9d4eadedb!8m2!3d57.284541!4d-3.808707
oh and apparently you can walk across the children are demonstrating...see previous posts....go figure:
oh and apparently you can walk across the children are demonstrating...see previous posts....go figure:,-3.8155248,3a,90y,311.8h,41.95t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOn9LMZUpVIh6-ImgVQfY5ZnXcchxofshZojU5J!2e10!3e11!!7i9728!8i3980!4m8!1m2!2m1!1sdutilh+church+carrbridge!3m4!1s0x488589873e827509:0x90eafeb9d4eadedb!8m2!3d57.284541!4d-3.808707
is 'that'...your 'black hole' dazzlenation?...and yes, I can remember - had been, hadn't it?...see previous posts:
is 'that'...your 'black hole' dazzlenation?...and yes, I can remember - had been, hadn't it?...see previous posts:
oh and this one doesn't look 'safe'....LOL...something that CF had known about...let me see...'coffin' or 'old packhorse' bridge?....see previous post....go figure:,-3.808707,15z/data=!4m8!1m2!2m1!1sdutilh+church+carrbridge!3m4!1s0x488589873e827509:0x90eafeb9d4eadedb!8m2!3d57.284541!4d-3.808707
oh and this one doesn't look 'safe'....LOL...something that CF had known about...let me see...'coffin' or 'old packhorse' bridge?....see previous post....go figure:,-3.808707,15z/data=!4m8!1m2!2m1!1sdutilh+church+carrbridge!3m4!1s0x488589873e827509:0x90eafeb9d4eadedb!8m2!3d57.284541!4d-3.808707,-3.4437525,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOLCsDActT_1GVIWQFR1jN03ctIqq75AqpDTC7a!2e10!3e12!!7i4032!8i1960!4m5!3m4!1s0x486de779e6cc0fb1:0x21744a65569f680e!8m2!3d51.1815885!4d-3.4437525
and what else?... a note upon the timer system - about the following bridge, dazzlenation...pat's department had been sure that 'it' had been there....and what, you might ask?...something around mind control programming - relating to....making you 'sleepwalk'...i.e. a subliminal tannoy command which is supposed to act as a 'bridge' in order to recall slaves..."delta alter" replies BI ONLINE....go figure:
and so what has that got to do with 'owls', dazzlenation?...ill cult 'medics' - you mean?
and what else?... a note upon the timer system - about the following bridge, dazzlenation...pat's department had been sure that 'it' had been there....and what, you might ask?...something around mind control programming - relating to....making you 'sleepwalk'...i.e. a subliminal tannoy command which is supposed to act as a 'bridge' in order to recall slaves..."delta alter" replies BI ONLINE....go figure:
and so what has that got to do with 'owls', dazzlenation?...ill cult 'medics' - you mean?
...perhaps toddy might know:
anyway, according to is part of dunster (dunce-ter?) castle:
and what else, dazzlenation?...well, let me backtrack....this morning, I was having a look at that old 'st George and the dragon' number...after having had a look at st Andrew's eve through to st George's eve....anyway, see previous notes upon the ill puncturing their victims' pineal glands etc then end up on an image of maximinus....just something about the 'eyeballs', you know?
oh and the following image had been used by prince Andrew, in order to program in 'ace of spades'....go figure:
and what else, dazzlenation?...well, let me backtrack....this morning, I was having a look at that old 'st George and the dragon' number...after having had a look at st Andrew's eve through to st George's eve....anyway, see previous notes upon the ill puncturing their victims' pineal glands etc then end up on an image of maximinus....just something about the 'eyeballs', you know?
oh and the following image had been used by prince Andrew, in order to program in 'ace of spades'....go figure:
anyway, the image below - had been used during 'eye of the needle'/pineal-gland-puncture/brutal lobotomy programming:
and what else?....well, the following image....was to remind me of the whole lot, really...if you look at it close up, on wiki...the 'sexless' child (saint George?) on a horse...with a sort of 'fanged' celestial body, above etc etc...go figure:
and what else, dazzlenation?...well, there is something kind of 'there' but I am not sure what....go figure:
and what else, dazzlenation?...well, there is something kind of 'there' but I am not sure what....go figure:
...oh and upon the subject of 'black holes' dazzlenation....I was to receive an email from paypal about a telephone conversation that I had had with an operative...regarding the changing of my password...I was then given a password to use, via email in order to change it online....the odd thing is, that the call hasn't registered upon my new alcatel phone....not a 'big deal' really but anyway, just 'odd' - that's all....go figure.
and so let me see, that your 'black hole'...or are you referring to 'tweets' about the latest London bridge attack?...see previous posts:
or perhaps you've been looking at the weather?
and so let me see, that your 'black hole'...or are you referring to 'tweets' about the latest London bridge attack?...see previous posts:
or perhaps you've been looking at the weather?
and what else, dazzlenation?...and well, this is where it all gets a bit cryptic...'our cat can drive'?...yes, I 'know' what that is all about....he can talk at a mike, too...."the rain in spain falls mainly on the plain"...."and if a ten ton truck, kills the both of us - to die by your side..." etc etc ('the smiths')....and yes, that cat had nearly crashed into an oncoming etc etc down a country lane, in maine....after a couple of satanic soviet robos had been dealt with, let us say....and that is because they had been doing the 'usual' in terms of one of the most horrific programming events, imaginable...see previous notes upon an injection into the spine...followed by paralysis...oh and let me see...browne and turner had both identified as 'christina' (turner had suffered from scoliosis/'charcot-marie/polyneuropathy' whereas browne had not, as far as I know) what appears to be a 'pink dress' but within palin's documentary 'up close' you can see the pale red (a bit like blood stains) of the artist's 'egg tempera' technique as it were ('red' addresses)...dragging herself up the field....see previous notes upon palin's Wyeth documentary....go figure:
and what else, dazzlenation?...and well, this is where it all gets a bit cryptic...'our cat can drive'?...yes, I 'know' what that is all about....he can talk at a mike, too...."the rain in spain falls mainly on the plain"...."and if a ten ton truck, kills the both of us - to die by your side..." etc etc ('the smiths')....and yes, that cat had nearly crashed into an oncoming etc etc down a country lane, in maine....after a couple of satanic soviet robos had been dealt with, let us say....and that is because they had been doing the 'usual' in terms of one of the most horrific programming events, imaginable...see previous notes upon an injection into the spine...followed by paralysis...oh and let me see...browne and turner had both identified as 'christina' (turner had suffered from scoliosis/'charcot-marie/polyneuropathy' whereas browne had not, as far as I know) what appears to be a 'pink dress' but within palin's documentary 'up close' you can see the pale red (a bit like blood stains) of the artist's 'egg tempera' technique as it were ('red' addresses)...dragging herself up the field....see previous notes upon palin's Wyeth documentary....go figure:
....and what's new this evening, then - dazzlenation?...oh I're onto the latest 'London bridge attack'....and let me see...I've just found a video of the narwhal tusk/fire extinguisher event upon youtube...and what else?, wasn't it you - who had put up that 'when-the-cookie-monster-attacks-I-want-to-see-people-who-scream-first-and-then-punch-it-repeatedly-in-the-face' gif?...and what else?...well, there are quite a few questions to be asked...including 'why did a plainclothes officer' walk away with part of the 'evidence' in his hand...and so one expects that marr will ask them all (severe irony intended) on sunday etc etc....go figure:
....and what's new this evening, then - dazzlenation?...oh I're onto the latest 'London bridge attack'....and let me see...I've just found a video of the narwhal tusk/fire extinguisher event upon youtube...and what else?, wasn't it you - who had put up that 'when-the-cookie-monster-attacks-I-want-to-see-people-who-scream-first-and-then-punch-it-repeatedly-in-the-face' gif?...and what else?...well, there are quite a few questions to be asked...including 'why did a plainclothes officer' walk away with part of the 'evidence' in his hand...and so one expects that marr will ask them all (severe irony intended) on sunday etc etc....go figure:
Friday, 29 November 2019
and so yes, dazzlenation...thrashing the 'turkey' somehow makes sense and in so many ways...within an alternate dimension, of course....see previous notes/posts upon 'all of that'....go figure:
and so yes, dazzlenation...thrashing the 'turkey' somehow makes sense and in so many ways...within an alternate dimension, of course....see previous notes/posts upon 'all of that'....go figure:
and what else?...'portrait of an artist'...and at a certain point in time, so many years ago now - apparently uncle bobby was "more than likely"...."they'll probably use the hammershoi" according to etc etc and so that answers my question, to why palin et al - had been digging it all up, again...see previous posts.....go figure:
and what else?...'portrait of an artist'...and at a certain point in time, so many years ago now - apparently uncle bobby was "more than likely"...."they'll probably use the hammershoi" according to etc etc and so that answers my question, to why palin et al - had been digging it all up, again...see previous posts.....go figure:
oh and these are supposed to be the 'magic beans' according to caroline...LOL...see previous posts:
...and then the thumbs down...."we might have to use that but we probably won't" - overheard at the BBC....go figure:
oh and these are supposed to be the 'magic beans' according to caroline...LOL...see previous posts:
...and then the thumbs down...."we might have to use that but we probably won't" - overheard at the BBC....go figure:
"bang on nine?" he asked...anyway, a little bird tells me that this is the 'white rabbit' moment-at-the-BBC...see previous notes/posts upon 'all of that'....go figure:
and what's new upon the weather scene?...something around petrol nell and I 'heart/hurt' you...
along with toothache and teeth....
along with something that caroline had known about:
...additionally the 'punch' of the boxer....see previous notes upon 'crap taxidermy' and Tomlinson's obsession with etc etc...oh and wasn't boris photographed recently with boxing gloves on?....and well, that is because petrol nell had decreed that he would be her 'fist'...whilst she would be the 'scissors'...oh and it all relates to another of those MOD illustrations...that of the 'kingfisher'....and what else?...well, McGowan was to tell me, a few years ago now - that he was looking after a boxer dog, nowadays...and so naturally I inquired whether or not 'mr tom' was bothered about it all...apparently odd....go figure:
and what's new upon the weather scene?...something around petrol nell and I 'heart/hurt' you...
along with toothache and teeth....
along with something that caroline had known about:
...additionally the 'punch' of the boxer....see previous notes upon 'crap taxidermy' and Tomlinson's obsession with etc etc...oh and wasn't boris photographed recently with boxing gloves on?....and well, that is because petrol nell had decreed that he would be her 'fist'...whilst she would be the 'scissors'...oh and it all relates to another of those MOD illustrations...that of the 'kingfisher'....and what else?...well, McGowan was to tell me, a few years ago now - that he was looking after a boxer dog, nowadays...and so naturally I inquired whether or not 'mr tom' was bothered about it all...apparently odd....go figure: thing that I will say...after having skipped through that hammershoi video....see previous that the following image reminds me somewhat of the interior of etc etc....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:
and so what had palin been up to, then?....I guess that i'll have to watch the series, to find out....Artemisia...Wyeth's world....see previous posts....go figure.
and so what had palin been up to, then?....I guess that i'll have to watch the series, to find out....Artemisia...Wyeth's world....see previous posts....go figure.
and yes, we've all been here, before - haven't we, dazzlenation?....see previous post....go figure:
and yes, we've all been here, before - haven't we, dazzlenation?....see previous post....go figure:
and what else?...let me see..."are we looking at dark freudian psychodrama..." according to palin.....hmmm...woman-conflated-with-boiler....go figure:
and what else?...let me see..."are we looking at dark freudian psychodrama..." according to palin.....hmmm...woman-conflated-with-boiler....go figure:
anyway, petrol nell had identified with the following - whilst living in flat 1, eagle house, it goes, eh?
and what else?...let me see...what's maru been up to, recently?...go figure:
"ring a ring a roses...a pocket full of posies"
and what else?...let me see...what's maru been up to, recently?...go figure:
"ring a ring a roses...a pocket full of posies"
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