Wednesday, 24 July 2019

and what else can I say but that 'projection' appears to be a big theme, this evening....see previous posts....go figure:

along with a bit of a gremlin, in the works?...anyway, 'sleeping betty' - you remember jokingly terming CF 'sweaty betty' in the CIA lab...upon a very hot day, in NY...McDonald was then to turn that basement area into a 'fridge' - having moved in, various 'refrigeration' items etc etc...oh and off upon a tangent - can you believe the following?

leaving the fridge door open, anybody?...but surely that would make your fridge overheat in hot weather...(I know that one side of my fridge gets rather warm when it is working 'overtime')...and so if you were to leave the fridge door might even cause an electrical fire...and so a rather 'suspect' article, I'd say....go figure:

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