Monday 29 July 2019

...and what else?...let me this where the 'coffin dodgers' reference comes in?...because hanni had needed a stairlift eventually - having moved to a maisonette, in Woolwich after retiring, before eventually returning to Switzerland...LOL...not that the following is anything like a stairlift...reminds me more of mark r dressed as a 'lizard-man' carefully lifting his tail up before going upstairs etc etc....see previous post....go figure:

"For mobility, the VIPeR uses a pair of combined wheel/track systems (called the "Galileo Wheel" system, a patented technology by Galileo Mobility Instrument of Israel) that change shape to adapt to terrain, and a "tail" which give it the balance to go up stairs, and turn itself over."

oh I remember now...according to lisa...this website had been a gateway for those...that she couldn't mention..."lizard-men" replies BI ONLINE....LOL....go figure:

the 'humvee'...of course, that is what 'crap taxidermy' would have been programmed with...whilst operating at 0psi....and upon a lighter note...cielo couldn't pronounce 'humphrey'...she used to say 'humvee'....see previous notes upon it goes, eh?

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