Tuesday 30 July 2019

....and what's new this Tuesday evening, then - dazzlenation?...I see...you want to know what I can remember of a certain 'pub' event...after gill had dragged me into...well, actually that's not fair...it had been a Tomlinson number, as far as I am concerned...see previous posts....let me go for an overview first...this is all about stopping another Templar castle 'rainbow juice' Waco event - isn't it?...and it is a repeat pattern...which you have traced back to a certain 'pub' event, whilst we were all at dartington....lisa had appeared from 'nowhere' and was trying to make a deal with paul dibben's hell's angel chapter, from wolverhampton...who were down in devon 'on holiday'....lisa was off her head on 'something' - probably what we used to call 'angel dust' - stuff that programmers used to use before they went out to murder/conduct ill cult sacrifices..."psychotic" replies BI ONLINE....oh and somebody who had looked rather like Malcolm (from the british council, prague) was seated at the bar, with the bikers...along with CF...who was to tell the biker sat next to him, that "you look like a....thing and I love you" until he got punched off his stool...gill then locked himself in the women's loos...I tried to coax him out...he hadn't eaten anything that day (too afraid of being drugged)...and I was severely worried about his diabetes...I then rang for help, using the public telephone...later on, johnny depp turned up..."what the hell happened?" etc etc...I replied that we would be carrying gill out in a body bag if he didn't eat something, soon...johnny told him to drink a bit of beer, from his bottle..."it's not drugged!"...anyway, back in the bar...somebody had drugged the bikers...they were all tripping/hallucinating...and having realised what had happened....paul dibbens began to make 'notes'...notes, that dazzlenation appears to have found...'books' as it were...and as far as I can remember...the 'swearing book' would have been gill....when in doubt, swear your head off, loudly...opposed to CF....when in doubt, tell whoever it is "I love you, man" etc etc...and so, in total...we have the added factor of 'bikers' to the whole melee...and if one looks at what the BBC were to put up, recently....the brackett camp would have been more than likely to have decided to make things 'fair' - their way...and by their way, I mean...not patriotic English white male bikers...but patriotic Nigerian black female bikers  this time around...and yes, something of that nature, was revealed in a recent scan...see previous notes upon that 'wales' dragon-flag-potato location etc etc...crazy, you bet but that's the way that it always is, before the hell-raiser 'templars' begin one of their WACO events....and the rest is 'in pics'...and urls...a hop, skip and a jump - through the following imagery/memory aids...go figure:


hmmm....tied up with 'supermarket' preferences?...LOL...charlotte low looks a bit like Malcolm, used to do when younger...with johnny depp's hairstyle....and what else?...well, M&S were to provide an additional clue, in relation to that 70s show...something around Inga, then?...because the pub had been serving 'gravadlax' that lunchtime...a Scandinavian/Norwegian note to the proceedings...is that what had been drugged?

and the model reminds me of that drama student in gill/CFs year....the one who used to sleep with her eyes open....LOL...see previous notes upon all of that...and yes, she had also been present..."along with the dance instructor" replies MI5 ONLINE...you mean 'movement tutor'?..."teaching them dance steps in the pub"...oh dear, it gets worse:
oh and of course, one of the bikers had a collection of mushrooms...an expert upon them...go figure:

 and then we're onto dibben's notes...and the 'books':

Malcolm was to say 'words to the effect' years after that pub 'drugging' event, that certain doors had been opened in his mind...which he was unable to close again:

I had been 'in despair' in that ladies' loo...wearing a long black cotton pinafore dress, as far as I can recall and not 'lingerie' but anyway, thanks for the compliment - the inference, that I looked a bit like Helen Mirren, at that age:

and what else, did I pick up on, this evening?...well, CHP was to send me a survey about 'fire'...heaven knows what that might be about in relation to dazzlenation's 'timebomb' number above....

oh and M&S included 'MKultra' egg-timers in their email title...go figure:

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