Thursday 25 April 2019

marr however, was more interested in the 'parashot'..."we can use it for the parrots and parakeets"...younger was to counter that he couldn't use it for the parakeets because etc etc....go figure:

anyway, they were to decide that the 'inverted nun' was a great joke around former SIS operatives in the FO....see previous notes upon 'mother superiors' etc etc....go figure:

"In nine passages of the Masoretic Text are found signs usually called inverted nuns, because they resemble the Hebrew letter nun ( נ )[11] written in some inverted fashion."

additionally, "we can use that for him" i.e. CF...something around 'simian toy' organ grinder monkey....go figure:

 "In some manuscripts, however, other symbols are occasionally found instead. These are sometimes referred to in rabbinical literature as simaniyot (markers)."

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