Friday, 1 March 2019

and what else?...let me see...oh, how funny...stingrays...that reminds me of the whole 'bathroom repairs' saga, that was to happen this week....first up, I was to meet 'terry' who then sent round two of his men, the next day...and I had a rather odd conversation with one of them, as the other was installing the new shower and attachment....(see previous notes upon the 'leaking-shower-head' etc etc - all symbolic) short, whilst he was tackling the shower cord up the tiled wall....we were talking about scuba-diving...apparently the CHP plumber had been scuba-diving with stingrays....he was also to tell me that he couldn't really swim....and the birth of his children - one of them had been 'in the belly' whilst he was scuba-diving and the other had been water-born....oh and that his children hadn't been too bothered about history, in terms of a visit to the colosseum but that they had loved dinosaurs at the natural history museum....i was to reply that being in the womb was a bit like scuba-diving...whilst his mate was laughing, as he attached the new shower-head (in an alternate dimension - making a new 'connection' let us say)....and so what can I say but that it was all a thinly-veiled metaphor for 'just about all of it'....something that had made pat's department laugh a lot....anyway, the upshot...was that they were to diagnose the problem as being a blockage, down one of the pipes (having looked at the so-called 'bottle-nosed-trap' i.e. white plastic cup which was pretty much empty, apart from a bit of dirt)....they then contacted CHP to ask for a drainage company to 'do the rest'....CHP then told me that if I hadn't heard from their drainage company by contact them again...I haven't been contacted by that company as yet and so i'll contact CHP about it, after the weekend....go figure:

....oh and see previous notes upon what had happened to me, some years ago - Clacton aquarium (before it was renovated)....I had been walking around a large the dark....couldn't see much in it....until suddenly a largish stingray jumped out of the water, splashing me with water....really rather scary....and so yes, I had been interested to meet somebody who could 'commune' with stingrays...."they didn't bother me" etc it goes, eh?

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