Saturday 30 March 2019

...and so 'why' the continued need to lie about all of this?...why the it because that none of 'whoever' happens to be investigating this 'missing persons' case (I shall dub it 'that')....were meant to find out what had really happened to bobby clayton's mob?...anyway, lisa and MI6 john know what had happened....see previous notes upon that Interlaken hotel, body bags, hasty removal to a crematorium etc etc....lisa and MI6 john had been there, at the time....and so had both of my parents, I might add, according to the footage relayed on to me - although they don't seem to remember a thing, about any of it...go figure.

anyway, what makes me 'uneasy' about the whole not only the continued 'need' to lie about it all...but that we now appear to have a 'double' for ed gyde, in place...and working for WHO in Geneva, according to my mother....although she had no idea of his job title/role...and considered it to be a very odd question, when I queried etc etc....LOL....ed couldn't speak another language....and he wasn't much good at PR either (watch that youtube video, to find out - see previous notes/posts)...and so the likelihood that he would get a prestigious PR job, in switzerland etc short, ed was used by the MKultra drugging/mind control department, in the a situ, at various staged 'conferences'/workshop events - in order to entrap victims...a bit like Helen browne, then?...see previous notes upon what she used to get up to...go figure.

...and what else?...well, having scanned the situation, to find out what I could...well, daldry had put in a script...regarding my parents...and so they are now living "WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF"...and I was to somewhat 'burst their bubble' by mentioning ingabot's heroin addiction, upon the phone, the other day....whereupon my mother was unable to continue the conversation and so I tactfully curtailed the telephone call...see previous notes upon 'all of that'...whilst wondering what planet, the pair of them are on, nowadays?...time to call in 'social services'?...who knows what a pigsty, they might be living in, nowadays (neither of them were up to much, upon the score of hygiene and cleanliness - even in middle-age)....see previous notes upon 'all of that' it goes, eh?

oh and on top of mother was severely unpleasant to me, upon the her worst 'chucky doll' alter....which I take with a pinch of salt nowdays...a ringside seat at the circus etc etc....but anyway, after I had spent a lot of time and money, choosing something that I knew that she would like for her birthday...she hadn't bothered to reply to thank me...and secondly, having called her up....she was to thank me in a dismissive way for "that stuff" and so I didn't bother to question further...she then accused me of having no friends....LOL...and yes, she always does that, whilst in demonic alter....and then proceeded to tell me..."you've never worked" cap it all off with, talking about how large her pension was...because she had been a doctor...whilst rubbing it in, that I would get no pension, at all...oh and there's more...having mentioned relation to 'special-in-the-head' issues....she was to tell me...."you've always been jealous"...LOL....there are many emotions that an ordinary...'normal' person can feel about a retarded heroin addict...however, 'jealousy' is generally not one of them...a fact, that I didn't feel the need to underline with my mother...because I had realised what it was all about...see previous notes upon not only sophie wyss (swiss grandmother) telling me that my mother hated me and was jealous of me...but also more recently - mr d'ajani, at the MI imperial hotel....all horrible, of course...but there you see, ingabot was a 'blessing' to me, in a way...took the paedophile attentions of my father, away from me and onto her...and as a result, I had always felt sorry for her and been very protective of her - not that she cared for me, at all...and yes, I have always carried quite a bit of 'irrational guilt' - in relation to not being able to defend myself or her, from such ill cult attacks - whilst being pushed to the perimeter of that 'extended family' and made to feel an 'outsider' because I continued to fight the ill - despite losing every battle, over the decades.......and so to backtrack...what can I deduce but that my mother has probably conflated herself with ingabot  (who had got her hooked on heroin, in the early 80s, whilst living at 14 st bernards) - see previous notes upon that 'insanity' regarding the whole Nazi/blonde Inga-and-her-ingabot horrorshow....and my mother recounting a young woman..."I was a beautiful blonde...a honey blonde...I just wanted to make babies..." etc etc - although all of the photos, show her as's all horribly disturbing, isn't it?...but the more I 'out' it upon my blog...I begin to get a perspective...even though, as SAS scottie had once is all 'gallows humour', in relation to the amount of military 'laughing gas' used over the decades, after short, I can laugh about it all, nowadays...and seeing as I am no longer 'involved' in any such operations...I can just sit back and 'watch-in-mock-horror' as the whole horrorshow unfurls, day by it goes, eh?

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