Monday 30 October 2017

let me sixth sense is telling me that the following is related to david Cameron....and yes, MI5 had also shown me a children's book which related to him...some people found it terribly funny....entitled DAVE'S CAVE (presumably a sidelong glance at his caravan in the garden)..."meet dave - caveman dave - dave live in cave - dave cave perfect - but dave not happy - dave want new cave" etc etc...however there is a more important meaning to be had, within its pages....dave likes 'rocks' on a 'toadstool' drug and white napkin/handkerchief....anyway, having scanned for more information...yes, Cameron had been involved with the following 'sepsis' game....see previous notes upon marr being coded out as an 'elephant' can assume that 'dave' doesn't like sharing his cave, eh - MI5? the book - he doesn't like pets....the 'pet' in question is a sabre-toothed tiger...and yet, here....see appears to be something a bit like sabre-toothed 'elephants'....go figure:

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