Wednesday 23 August 2017,1.1504836,3a,90y,119.52h,73.56t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sz12LLUv_wGVN-_e55aBicw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

...and yes, so I've got my bearings, now....that 'back to skool' house is to the far right...and penfold lodge is just around the corner...of Jackson road....go figure:

let me see....they had wanted to program with the aerial view, too....something around the IRC 'in green'?...I see....sitting outside and 'having a chat'...go figure:

oh and it helps if you have a 'pidgin' alter...ha ha ha...
...beware of the firefoxes and the seamonkeys...
ident? thank you....I do not want that type of 'trip' at the dentist's....
and the pentagon might be interested to know that the ill were hoping to fit me with one of their 'ident' tooth order to break all of the they normally do....go figure:

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