Thursday 31 August 2017

...what else?...a CHP ansaphone message logged upon my mobile, this morning...ending with the following - a request to callback, for an appointment - tomorrow...

...the following is transcribed from the audio...and what can i say?...but look at this...they've still got the availability - presumably of an appointment with an electrician...and 'in writing', in what possible worlds - does that make sense? callback...."whilst we're still got the availability - in writing"....ha ha ha....and yes, i know what MI6 are up to, at this point in time (and worldwide)...a bit of a 'disaster' for all genetic-robots-run-on-chip-with-vegetating-brains,

callback, eh?...the last time that i did that...i was told that a CHP electrician would be round, almost immediately...and so - for once, i didn't bother, with emails and letters....and that is why i have no documentation of 'kimmelmanlookalike' zionist robot, turning up to replace the heat detector...although you can plainly see that it has been replaced, by the 'shadow dust/dirt' circle, upon the white the cctv upon this building - shows up who that kimmelman looklike...and 'where he went next'....."straight back to MI5 and jonathan evans - which is what is worrying all of us" replies MI5 ONLINE....go figure...and so it should be, shouldn't it?

anyway, scottie was to refer to the above, as being part of WWIII....e.g. nazi/jooish zionist robots hidden within intelligence, worldwide and not just in MI6...fighting a clandestine that mcdonald had once called 'a battle in the heavens'...what a euphemism....i.e. a war fought by the dirtiest tactics available....see previous notes upon monarchies and mkultra mind control etc etc..."and the masons" replies BI ONLINE...all fighting to continue their  armageddon 'doomsday', cannibal, paedophile cult...go figure.

....the above is the macro...and so what about me, in the micro?...well, i now have to put up with a bleeping heat detector...and believe you is 'torture' in its own way...on top of everything else....considering what i have been through for the last 13 years...(but it will NOT be the 'last straw that breaks the camel's back' because i am NOT an F.O. programmed 'camel', for one - ha ha ha)....and considering the fact that the ill cult have lied 'all the way'....seeing as i have won this 13th game but that they are now refusing to admit that i have....because the ill do not want to pay back any of the money that they have stolen from me...the ill....that soulless i.e. genetic 'mental robot' zionist brigade....those with vegetating brains in their zombified chipped/pin-plugged skulls, could not be expected to 'do' any better than that, could they? "we can't help it" they tend to bleat - in 'broadcasts' upon intelligence networks....and so - well...what else can one say?......CURSE OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER has now 'kicked in'...and so we shall see, what we shall see....and yes, having seen the future - i knew that a 1/3 of those mental robots would be 'taken out' as soon as that heat alarm started to bleep...the question is now - how far will it go?...hmmm...i'd bet on 'all the way'...but naturally i have to 'time' the whole thing, within this flat - 'symbolically' - because this flat is being held up as a 'symbol' for so many things - see previous notes...anyway, knowing that a 1/3 of that 'select' ill cult group, are now dead....i do not want that 'bleep' to go on forever - i simply want it to signify that the elite of the ill cult - are now, no longer able to deny me or others like me, their money back...the rest of the tiers will be taken out - whether or not, the bleeps continue...and CHP's response 'in writing'?...i'll keep you posted, dear reader....go figure.

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