Wednesday 29 March 2017

....and so what was to happen, this morning - then?....well, I was to meet 'percy' outside of his usual haunt - for him to then ask me to go to Harwich...."remember hazel?" (hazel in flat 4 of eagle house, west street)...and to throw a certain packet of 'chewits' over the fence...yes, really....over the fence...."go on!" he growled, laughing - showing me the pack, that he wanted  thrown over that 'fence'....I declined. 'Percy' then asked me for 'love hearts' sweets....available at wagstaff's...and so I bought him a pack...along with another of those 'nutty bars'....go figure.

anyway, later on...I was to scan the whole 'situation' find out that petrol nell had given hazel a drugged 'chewit' sweet....remember how hazel had loved 'dragon imagery' and had so many 'dragon effigies' around her flat 4, at the top of eagle house? Anyway, that sweet was to give hazel so many nightmares......terrible nightmares.....which was to exacerbate 'what-she-had-already-been-going-through-at-the-time'......see previous notes.

anyway, here is the 'pack' that petrol nell had used....and the one, that 'percy' was to show me, this morning.....go figure:

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