oh how funny....that is how French cousin Isabel used to look 'when young'...although nowadays, apparently she is massive...according to my mother, that is...on the phone, the other day...oh I remember now - that is what bobby's mob had decided to nickname her..."the MASSIF CENTRAL"...and a link to a certain mob? see previous notes upon what caroline had discovered 'underground' in relation to the massif central....go figure:
Isabel....central to their operations....their 'mountain' apparently....and a bit of a GORGON, ha ha ha....oh and as US intelligence were to find shall I put it...remember the mossad....and the len-tills?
the len-till chain image...
the PUY LENTILS...cielo had referenced 'green tomatoes' in relation to that ill cult 'burger' image....whilst keeping hidden the true 'green' number....their unspoken code...go figure:
hmmm....funny how the colour of those sable grapes...cut open....on that M&S ad.....see previous notes...somewhat resemble the following:
oh how funny....go figure:
additionally, Isabel's husband had taken the following photo...coding himself in as a grain of salt....
oh I see...and that is what you had wanted to be reminded of, dazzlenation....and in relation to your 'bees' cartoon....see previous notes and post:
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