Saturday, 26 November 2016

anyway, what was it about the other pair of coordinates?

let me scan for more info....maria had told her thugs "we'll put her in there"...see previous notes upon CIA 'bodyguards' used as 'dogs' by CF...until he was made to eat dog poo as a 'punishment'...basic aversion therapy, you understand...go figure.

oh and there is also a reference to Whitehall cathy's 'dog toy'...remember that stuffed duck..."in the image of"...yes, very phallic, wasn't it and intentionally so..."he's as big as..." etc etc....

oh and maria was also to type in in the BK....Boarding Kennels..."we'll call it the beak"...go figure..

"and the MEDWAY - medics" replies MI5 mean they had a whole load of drugs stashed there? "mind control drugs"....oh dear - it just gets worse, doesn't it?

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