Monday 28 November 2016

....oh and I don't know if this makes sense or not...but my friend from environmental services...was to tell me what he was going to do for Christmas, the other day...Christmas dinner....apparently his mother had a chicken...but he liked steak....oh and apparently he also had four 'rough collies' in the back of his 1/3 of an acre garden...he used to let them out during the day and they tear off down the garden and should see them go etc etc....anyway, having mentioned 'rough collies' he then pronounced it 'bruff'...and I wonder now...4 of them....bruff/rough...teachers-on-the-edge-of-a-nervous-breakdown? see previous notes upon dr ramsey telling me that she signed off a teacher...retired them early...almost every week...due to stress-related illnesses...terminal illnesses....go figure...

what else? something to do with their 'breeding'....they are the UK inbred variety which has a much shorter 'snout'...they get shorter as they get older, apparently....isn't that funny? he doesn't usually tell me anything as 'crazy' as that but then he used to be a taschmann and so I was to figure that this might well be coded out....oh and the females often have a problem with their lower teeth...which isn't the case for European types....

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