Sunday 30 October 2016'34.1%22N+4%C2%B043'37.5%22W/@51.6727369,-4.702704,3a,15y,168.77h,97.46t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d51.6761335!4d-4.7270724

and what about the other pair of coordinates, then?

well, it must be something to do with a 'whisker' i suppose....or a wire...

a circus act...a tightrope...."the flea wire" replies MI5 ONLINE...go figure...oh and what about that 'white/cream item' in the grass?

"the meatcleaver" see below:

"the coffeecup"

and a public footpath...

but the above path...wasn't the one that the ill were going to use, themselves...they had decided upon this location further up the road...go figure:
"poison ivy....poisonous blood transfusions...PIV....pie slaves" replies MI5 ONLINE...."a long walk"....

let me scan for more info...the ill were to code the address below in as SMOL....something around smeagol?

it is a private road and the closest that google maps will let me to the following location:
oh and they were going to use the building below, too:


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