Sunday 30 October 2016,-4.7002691,3a,45y,352.42h,112.5t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sUFG6JW-Q6vQAAAQXGrtiNw!2e0!3e11!!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

oh and I can remember this location in a 'retort' from relatively high up the NSA - to the in "we're not happy about this either"....and "take a walk down our corridor"...a reference to general corrigan and the F.O.? far as I can remember - this was more about Obama/Osama, in relation to what 'buddy' at the DIA had known....go figure:

'dans la cour' had all been carefully coded out, apparently...and the pentagon was then obliged to 'have a go' at deciphering it....let me see...are those bulbs...Bristol blue glass or port meirion? "holliday shop" replies BI ONLINE.
anyway, you can have a look inside....hmmm....reminding me of those dvds....Confucius and bichumoo...which I haven't seen as yet....MI6 at work?...and look at that massive mitt...a mitt Romney reference?...oh they've just thrown everything in, haven't they?...including 'stones/rocks/rockefeller' references...who liked knives, then?

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