Wednesday, 29 July 2015

today i was to have a walk around the then drop in at the PIRATE RADIO STATION MUSEUM to meet somebody that i was to have a 'deja vu' experience interesting and informative lady...about my age....who was 'running the front desk' at the time (i can remember MI5/mcgowan saying "you might like to have a word with her" so many years ago now)...she was to talk about the 'radio anoraks' around this area...suffolk/norfolk/essex....and how they were so back-stabbing as a community - i might add she was to say that they ran the whole show, in these parts (the clacton pirate radio museum for a start) ...and yet all of them believed in the same thing "freedom upon the airways"....go figure...

...anyway, we had a long chat about 'radio' and techies...'anoraks'....along with 'branching out into talking about the afterlife'...seances....our experiences of 'that type of thing' as children and also as see - the ill on the airways...often pose as 'Gods'...or 'spirits'....whatever they think will influence those whom they have targeted....

....and the most important thing...that she was to tell me...was all about a murder...she was to say that all i had to do was to search for 'radio station murder' upon the internet and i would find the information...she showed me a bit of footage upon her monitor in the foyer.....and in relation to the whole museum (i was only in the foyer, at the time and didn't actually buy a ticket to see the whole thing)...she was to say "they (the anoraks) put it all onto dongles and then play it...." - upon the monitors within the actual museum, inside of the building...

i was a bit puzzled by 'that one'...i had never heard of 'that one' before - dongles?...perhaps she had meant memory sticks...does that make sense? i am sure that there was more to it than that...she had meant to say dongles...even though that was not quite an accurate term....and she knew it.... what had she been telling me in a coded way?....that the 'memory stick' is not simply is linked to the internet....and it is downloading...."and that could be dangerous for visitors to that museum" replies MI5 ONLINE..."we'll look into it"....well be very careful indeed...make sure everything is 'switched off' before you do - or suffer the consequences.

see previous notes upon my 'nightmare' this relation to gill's dongle and well 'the whole show' really....see previous notes upon that kilpenny/drone video....brought to you by RH....a low IQ 'behavioural problems' child, with a scarlett chip in his living in L.A. in a detached house within the mountains...way above the 'smog of the plain' a mainly african-american community, apparently....does the presenter who interviewed CF recently - live up there, also - in that very same community? or does he have contacts there? i wonder....

anyway, RH has a pool in the garden of his L.A. house...and he swims 20-25 laps every day, with his daughter, according to my mother...RH was to send her photos of SANTA MONICA BEACH...of himself, his daughter beatrice and her 'little friends'....

am i envious of any of it, i asked then reply that i certainly was not...'the pain in your head' in relation to a scarlett chip...would be enough to make anybody think that 'none of it was worth it'....see previous notes upon RH hooked upon 'tramadol' and other drugs...desperately searching the internet for another illegal you see how it goes? i would simply 'rather not be like that'...what else can i say?

in point of fact, i find the whole f**king thing, a big joke....and a very sad and bloated one, at that.

i mean to can sign SCARLETT's devil's contract....and 'have it all' but you will not enjoy will end up with migraines and worse...

you want it all...and you end up with enjoying nothing...because you are too ill, most of the time - to enjoy any of it....

and upon a psychological scale...those like RH had wanted to say to everybody, who was more skilled, more talented and more intelligent than himself..."i succeeded where you all failed"....

...and so RH became....well, does anybody at MI5 want to attempt a definition?

" you really want to carve up a whole shopping centre - with no will of your own, to prevent it" replies MI5 ONLINE.


my intercom has just gone off at 11.46am....

i checked my spyhole...the postman...okay so it might be that amazon dvd...

and having opened my is...well isn't that odd - next day delivery?

you see - i had been expecting that package...upon the estimated delivery date or later i.e. july 30th - see previous snip (and today is the 29th july)....having paid 'the least' for delivery, upon amazon.

...i do not like to open my flat frontdoor to anybody who is 'unexpected' are all testing my patience...that is all i can say...after having had that 'dizzy attack' earlier on - see previous notes....

what else? mother was to diagnose the above as 'vertigo' on the phone - something that she had had a terrible attack of, in north carolina (whilst visiting ingabot and weale)...along the lines of "the room was spinning, going upside down" until she turned her head, to put it right...she then went on to tell me about denis farr's wife  (a 14 st bernards road reference) - who couldn't sleep because of 'vertigo', sometimes....and because of it - she had to sleep sitting up, apparently....

a 'dizzy attack'....which for all i know...might have been a precursor to a stroke or something worse....but turned out to be 'not that bad'...just something you have to live with, until it goes away.

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