Monday, 27 July 2015

...oh and 'all about kepler'...I have a sneaking suspicion that if the penultimate kepler was all about turner and berkelhammer (see lolcats for that 'update')...then the reason that I have suddenly had an 'interest surge' in this blog, let us say..."on the networks - a network attack" replies MI5 because I have become the latest 'kepler-on-the-menu'?

let me, it won't be me, in point of will be donna...because I am not doing anything 'technical' upon gill's laptop...see previous notes upon turner and berkelhammer....however, donna is fully qualified in all sorts of things, regarding computer programming etc...MI5's best - according to dibbens 'so many years ago now'....

add to the above...donna had been put through that 'new heaven new earth' program outside of MI6...the London building on the southbank - with that 'backyard' for want of a better description...

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