Tuesday 14 July 2015

....but anyway, let me have another look at my photos from this 14th of july morning....bastille day...my father's birthday....and the canned-els....

and what scottie had described as the 'masons' wall'....get through that...see through to the other side....

...this might not sound like 'what you want to hear'...but anyway, this was what was to come up first....the typewriter....replacing handwriting....which was to make spying so much more difficult....in relation to identity, you see.....and then aliases upon internet/intranet networks....do you see how it goes...in relation to 'writing' and networks....and 'network control' nowadays in relation to knowing 'who is who' upon radio transmissions?

...the mechanical bird network....and the wall of SIS....MI6...
'real birds' like gill and I.... could use the 'mechanical network' but we could also do 'something else' let us say....

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