Saturday 18 July 2015

...what else? well I was to borrow these two dvds from the remember that I had seen this film 'not so long  ago now'...but no memories of it, until I began to watch it then watch extras and realise that a 'mind control event' had gone on whilst filming....but I have no further details than that...

...additionally I was to wonder about the choice of actress...for the role of the 'medium'...she was to remind me of sarah turner....I then thought about firth's well as 'who he is projecting' now and then, in interview on extras...and I was to realise the following...this is all about men-who-fall-in-love-with-their-dolls....

the writing tutor and jade laing
varro and sarah turner
david bowie and roz (although he didn't treat her as a doll)...bowie came up because cumming was obviously used to imitating him - hence the jelly shoes (alien alter? 'the man who fell to earth')..."passing himself off as bowie" replies MI5 ONLINE....

additionally the overarching theme appears to be a 'conflict resolution' number...typical of the ill cult - see previous notes upon david icke writing a lot about this subject....
in short, you have 'reality vs fantasy'....for example the shtetls as pretty much prison camps...vs YENTL for example....should you really have unreal nostalgic fantasies about your collective past and be allowed to pass it all off as 'history' in the minds of the masses, who watch Hollywood movies?
secondly the 'resolution' to the above conflict...appears to be atheism....go figure.
if you see through the 'history of lies' have to side with the atheists...not a logical proposition I would say...but woven into the entire fabric of the film.
"perhaps that is the way that woody allen felt" replies MI5 ONLINE....well you know...the Ashkenazim jooish orthodox have some pretty weird ideas, operating behind their religion (started in the 1770s as far as I am aware)....a lot of their religion appears to be all about 'cheating God' as if God were an idiot and half-blind...."their slave-drivers?" replies BI ONLINE...well then you are talking about those families who used to run Russian orthodoxy along with the Vatican....
in fact, a lot of their religion reminds me of old folktales...where 'really clever peasants' manage to outwit the devil...and behaving a bit like lawyers, in a way...I might add..."that's how they see God and the natural continuum..." replies MI5 ONLINE....was to try and break on through to the other side and blow God up, yes I know...see previous notes upon CERN and what was to happen there....there appears to be a strong strain, within their religion of being rather equivocal about God..."almost seeing Him as the devil"....exactly.

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