Friday 29 March 2013

so what was NIR's group laughing about here....

ROSENBERG was going to be 'outed' as shin beit...obviously they didn't mind that....he is 'out in the open' now....

and as i have said is unfair to attack somebody upon 'looks'...."if you have better ammunition" replies BI ONLINE.....

the video doesn't comment upon rosenberg's 'alien looks' turns its attention to obama's secret service bodyguard.....and this was my 'cue' to start talking about the PEN TACOS mob from SANDHURST.....

i can remember israeli intelligence sending the cia lab the above video...and i got was so stupid....all of it...i didn't bother to watch it to the end....

anyway, somebody then put up this 'debunked' video...."the BUNKIES" shouts BI ONLINE...yes rashida's brother (for it was him, i am sure of it) had referred to other inmates as 'bunkies' in that video on mr icke's site (talking about mr icke's theories/books and his books seen as 'contraband' in prison) during his short stay in prison for 'having his house broken into and trying to defend himself - he then got arrested'....

did he throw something at one of them? they had 'got it wrong' but because he had reacted in a somewhat violent himself arrested anyway, as far as i can remember....

oh i remember this DEBUNKED video....very carefully constructed and at an editing suite at SANDHURST....

first up - you get a 'narked and narkey' american accent.....and strange pronunciation of certain words....VALID for example....he pronounces it the 'VA-LID'...this is something around 'jack up the candlestick' and 'go lift the lid on it all'....

oh i remember now...mark r had swapped sides again...trying to control all of it...helping the pen tacos with their editing job....the ultimate in distraction exercises...and you would need somebody as good as mark r to ensure that nobody would ever know that the above video 'came out of SANDHURST'....

and now you know that it did - what do you think of it all?

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