Thursday 23 March 2017

....what else? let's have a look at the BBC frontpage....more upon the 'westminster' attacker...and things that just don't add up....

a photo from the 'india express'...why has he got his shoes off?...had he been about to jump into the river?

oh and the BBC video stating the route taken....

....why bother to turn left in order to hit somebody on the top of the stairs....if it were a 'random terrorist attack' turn left would presuppose that this particular attack had been 'targeted' all smacks of somebody with a 'playstation device' upon their phone, to me....driving that turn left and then reverse....the BBC presenter then talks about how he 'nipped' into the cycle if he had changed from 'car' to 'bike'....the 'nippon' and the 'nipoff'?

what else? 'amber rudd' says don't blame intelligence...well, I do blame 'intelligence'...because...for example... I have already pointed out upon my blog...a man that the 'programmed parrots' can trigger to knife somebody to death....a man who is a 'mental health' patient - who used to stay at penfold lodge...who probably still does, as far as I know...see previous notes....a man who is allowed to roam the streets of Clacton...without any sort of 'supervision'....strike that...he should be in a 'lock up' but he is short, 'intelligence' just sits on their hands and do nothing....they allow a J G BALLARD sort of society, to exist in the UK...where the elite of the ill cult are allowed to use their 'playstation devices' to play 'games' with the rest of the 'microchipped' population/networks....

why isn't he wearing shoes?

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