Wednesday 19 October 2016,0.4933672,3a,90y,132.57h,77.42t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1skcT0FzhrJz4qm9x9qtjEww!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x47d8c40464ebc273:0x5bc43aeac7f4d089!8m2!3d51.576084!4d0.488736!6m1!1e1?hl=en

what else? well this is what the 'seal' appears to be nudging...but it doesn't look much like a starfish, to me...go figure....

oh I remember now....some 'confusion' around the to who was chasing who...and a device in a building nearby which was causing that MI6 parrot device...let me try to remember the flat number, gill...nearish to number 14?


socks on the road...well not quite but that is what rimington was to code it in as....go figure:

anyway, this was the block in which an MI6 parrot had been causing what he was to code in as the CONFUSION by CONFUSCIUS....remember I have as yet, to watch that film 'confuscius'....that blue parrot was 'living the dream' his fantasy world...he had become 'confucius'....

and as far as I parrot ran the blue van, below....

and his flat was based at the top of that scaffolding....

however MI5 then decided to chase the white find out that it wasn't the same one...go figure:

the other pair of coordinates...go figure:

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