Friday 23 February 2024

 .....and what's new upon the timer system, dazzlenation?....well, first up we have 'the draughtman's contract' by peter greenaway.....and a bit of a mix-up, let us say....prince andrew had given it to the fishwick family, whilst rimington was to tell gill that he could use it for etc etc...hmmm....and yes, gill had equated 'talmann' with 'talmud' i sense a bit of a sephardic/ashkenazim 'clash' here?.....something that passes me by, entirely..."a flyby" replies BI that....remember how in israel i was 'persona non grata' - not allowed to join their 'money club' seeing as i had no money to speak of and that is because everything that i should have been paid i.e. for all of the work that i had done....had been stolen....and by those refusing to let me join...whilst allowing the we-don't-work-we-steal crew to join, immediately...for example - alexis 'divine' chapman was given a crash course on how to be an 'orthodox wife' - with sharon as her escort/advisor etc ironic, is that?...anyway, that has now rebounded upon the lot of them....and their system of 'tards-at-the-top' or 'special-in-the-heads', if you prefer - is now reeling as a consequence...."out of control"...and yes, i have no involvement in this, whatsoever - not even 'participating' a disinterested spectator, let us say.....and what else is coming up as part of the clump?...'hundreds and thousands' as hanni used to call them...or 'nonpareil' if you prefer...."we'll call them that" crappy had once'fairy bread', anybody?...oh and what about those cooking chocolate 'fat balls' covered with them - on sale in b'ham newsagents, early 80s etc figure:


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