Tuesday 27 February 2024

 ....and what's new this tuesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, i've received a photocopied NHS letter - 'on behalf of ranworth surgery'....asking me to call the following number: 0300 3732813 in relation to targeted lung health check, according to the pamphlet....the letter rephrases it as an invitation to a 'free lung health check' which would involve 'a special CT (computed tomography) scan'.....lol....and well a quick scan has revealed that it is the usual tardy robo network - up to no good, behind it...."body parts" replies BI online....well, if they aren't out to 'target' those like myself for 'all of that' including blood and brain tissue etc etc...then they are out to treat me as an experimental human guineapig - remember what crompton, moore et al, had been hoping to do - regarding that recent MRI scan horrorshow etc etc...and yes, we're talking 'the other side of the mirror', here....however, upon this side....well, why have the sick n' the stupid targeted somebody who has never had a problem with their lungs, in their entire life.....I stopped smoking circa 2000.....and so why are they not treating those who turn up at surgeries with something seriously wrong with their lungs - instead of targeting those who are perfectly healthy....amazing, isn't it?...you can't see a doctor for love or money....or not for about at least 3 weeks in clacton....and yet, when they want to 'experiment' - regarding research/studies, with the crew attached, hoping to add letters/kudos to their names/reputations etc etc....well, you know how it goes...pathetic, eh?....oh and there's more....having looked up that number....well, the first entry upon google search was to reveal the following....go figure:



a scam appointment number? ....anyway, one can asume that they've already started 'cold-calling'...a bit like sales staff 'on the make', let us say:

oh and i'm not talking through my hat, here....as oscar well knows....remember how in the late 60s....his 'lung' doctor had shown him 'a shadow on the lung' and diagnosed tuberculosis....and then made him take two large pink pills, three times at day...he used to take them with his coffee....as children we used to keep all of our pens and crayons in the large tins, in which his drug supply came..... anyway, two years down the line....the 'shadow' had apparently disappeared...he was then told that it hadn't been tuberculosis....a misdiagnosis.....a mistake.....he'd been perfectly healthy all along (no 'cough' or any other symptoms) and taking those pink pills thankfully didn't apear to have done him any damage.....hmmmm....and so you know what i'm thinking, here?....remember carney and his 'sweetshop' etc etc....."just making money for big pharm" replies BI online....precisely that.....and so even if i do have a 'shadow on the lung' etc etc....what do i care....i've done everything that i want to do in my life and i'm proud of it....i have no dependents...no need to hang around, eh?...and so i'd rather die alone in this flat - rather than fall into the hands of tards-on-the-make....the devil and the deep blue sea etc etc....go figure.
oh and look at this.....the sick 'n' the stupid are talking about 'target identified'...the mossad copycats appear to be on the tail end of etc etc...isn't it all so disgusting etc etc....as it goes, eh?

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