Wednesday 14 February 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, a couple of points...for example, i have previously referred to rodway's 'tikka chicken' - although it had actually been 'chicken BI-ryan(i)' - as i had mentioned in my original post, upon the subject.....additionally, as far as i can remember...i might have referred to ASBO in belle court in flat 9....hmmm...must have made a mistake regarding a conflation of that TV series 'inside no. 9' with ASBO in no.10.......belle court - above donna, in flat 6....more laughter.....oh and MI5 malcolm had not only breezed through no.9 downing street, according to BI...he had actually lived there, for some time....anyway, all masonic 9, no. 10 and so on....anyway, who lives in no. 2 or no. 6, downing street? as we can now see from beckham's radar - regarding that wembley housing block etc etc - see previous post...intelligence agencies tend to favour 'social housing' blocks - in order to conduct their 'affairs' i.e. nobody wants to know anybody who lives there and nobody wants to visit them, unless etc etc....and rightly so, in relation to belle court - remember how most of the young people/parents are templar slaves (remember that tomlinson/rimington cagnes-sur-mer templar castle horrorshow?)....those that ling/linda's mob, have preyed upon and since the day dot - in relation to even more satanic paedo-cannibal/drug-dealing programming laid on, let us say - as the years go by etc  etc....and well, there's quite a bit more but we'll save it for another post.....go figure.

....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, the above post appears to have elicited the following from the 'tards':

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