.....and what's new upon my reddit homepage, dazzlenation?...well, the following is rather 'deja vu'...hmmm...i watched the video/anime on my homepage first to then find the actual url....to then remember somebody putting the whole thing up as a reminder of a 'glitch', let us say....i.e. somebody uses a rubber (or is that a 'hidden scissors' number?...lol) at the end of the 30 secs video upon the homepage version but not upon the link below...ah, was this a reminder of 'double-doors'....more laughter....when you dip into 'dark matter', let us say...see previous posts....go figure:
nota bene, mcgowan had once said to moore...."she was stupid enough to give it to me"....and as you can now see - dazzlenation....i am never stupid enough to give anybody anything without retaining at least one backdoor key.
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