Thursday 25 May 2023

 ....anyway, dazzlenation...the whole thing is reminding me firstly of dartington - remember that bronze-casting number with sheila clayton etc etc...and then 'sarah turner' for some reason...oh i remember now....french intelligence were to have a look and comment that none of them had seen 'that' around saint aubin cathedral (or would that be college/collegiale), before...a new exhibition, then?...provoked quite a bit of interest....the artist then told them 'on the quiet' that he had no idea of what he had been channelling....turns out caroline had contacted her old dartington network etc etc.......see previous post....go figure:

Capsizun - Arts at the Point. Nicolas Fédorenko in residence - Le Télégramme (

oh and that dartington crew had wanted to remind themselves of jersey - st aubin...i wonder 'why'?...additionally, they were to pun with 'les friques'...remember the pop song..."le freak c'est chic - freak out!" which is why your muppet is freaking out, perhaps - dazzlenation?....go figure:

On 1 January 1991 the former municipality of Les Friques merged into Saint-Aubin.

and then we have 'angers' and 'pirates' and heaven only knows, what else - regarding what that dartington crew had punned/programmed with - dazzlenation....anyway, that is what the artist had channelled...rather like a beaded curtain.....along with a 'fribourg' link....hmmm...remember mcdonald and his drugged chocolate box  - from his fribourg, as it turned yes, dennis gliddon had been in touch with caroline hughes:

whilst mcdonald had labelled dennis 'n' his crew...'sauges' as in 'sages'.....he had privately called them sausages-to-be-fried...and then we're back to what the artist had channelled....more laughter....go figure:

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